
What specific "change" is Obama refering to?


thumbs down aren't from me folks.looks like someone is surfing but won't answer.


  • - An end to Washington infighting

    - Pulling the troops out of Iraq

    - An end to Washington infighting

    - Campaign finance reform (he already authored a bill that passed)

    - Repealing Bush's tax cuts for the rich

    - Ending "No child left behind" and improving education

    - Health care reform via personal choice vs mandated

    - Green energy initiative

    - International diplomacy

    - more...

  • He's talking about the fact our country is going down the wrong path. We need to think about the direction we are heading. The leadership we've had the last 16 years has been absent---actually, it's been absent since Sam Rayburn left Congress nearly 60 years ago.

    I agree with him. We need new leadership in our government---and in our society. We don't need to head down the path of leftist extremism--it will only fuel right wing extremism...and we will see another 8-16 years of that again. We need to rethink our strategies in the fight in the War on Terrorism--and we need to show the world we are capable of greatness. Clinton and Bush didn't show any of it---only partisanship, and this level of mania has led complete strangers to argue and bicker with each other.....

    We need to work together---not fight with each other. That's the "vision" he's referring too....

  • I hope that if Obama is elected that he listens to the generals as to our status in Iraq. The war should be run by the military in the field - not by the politicians safe behind their desks in Washington.

  • I don't know why folks aren't recognizing this. Obama is using code words and playing a veiled race card many time with each speach. To Blacks who hear that word, he means "Taxing the evil, racist, Republicans for their ways."

  • I wish I knew.. I like him.. and I may have to vote for him.. but damn.. he is as vague as any politician. Can we never just get a straight talker who says what they think and what they want to to... Oh wait... I think Hillary did.. but silly me.. she is just a woman.. corporate and male America wouldn't dare elect her, now would they?

  • Who knows. It's just a buzzword like "genuine imitation sparta wood." It's fake.

    Raymond're funny!

  • To basically remove the barriers to terrorists, rape your wallet and mire us in Kenya

  • Beats me. That's what I've been wondering since early last year.

  • If they are the same then why not vote for him?

  • The only canidate talking about real change is Ron Paul.

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