18th birthday...?

anybody know anything fun i can do? something SAFE.. its in a week or so.. and i want to have some good WHOLESOME fun.. sound weird? maybe... got any good suggestions?


  • Bowling! Seriously. It's lots of fun, and since one person bowls at a time, there's plenty of time for everyone to chat and have fun. See if you can rent a few lanes ahead of time. Order food, and just have a blast. Lots of lanes have "rock 'n bowl" or some other type of music-blasting, lights-out bowling on the weekend.

  • Rent a jacuzzi hotel for you and like, 3 of your best friends. Watch some movies, pig out on junk food, stay up late.. thats as wholesome as it gets.. what do you say?

    Good luck n happy early birthday

  • skate with friends or extreme skate park! or take a group to a movie! or a birthday at chuckee cheezes ..im being real! it would be hillarious and sooo fun and an excuse for you and your friends to act silly and play on things you normaly wouldnt!

  • Go out to an 18 and over club and dance!! :) That's what I did and it was VERY fun!!

  • Treat yourself to a spa and massage.

    Treat yourself to one of the Customized Potions from Bath Junkie.

    www. bathjunkie.com

  • what do you enjoy doing/swim,dance,skate,movies,or just relaxin.i dont know where u live so what is there to do around there!!we like to go to beach or pool.

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