Sleeping trouble??

I've had trouble sleeping since I was like 13 (I'm 15 now) and when I was 14 I started taking ambien. My dad decided to take me off it because I started taking more than I should. He told me he would get me melatonin, but I've kind of built up a tolerance for it since then. I've been crazy out of my mind to get sleep, and for the past month I've been taking nyquil. Right now, I can't sleep without taking nyquil. I don't know what to do, I just want to sleep but I know how bad nyquil is, I just can't stop taking it!!!


  • Have you tried listening to ambient music? I use the app called tune in radio and listen to the station called ambient sleeping pill. I also take melatonin, and the calming music helps me sleep.

  • now that you have been off of the melatonin you should be able to take it again but i started taking it and i had to increase the dose a few times

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