
i got this giftcard for christmas and i got the part at the top wet like where the pin to go online is and i was wondering if i get it wet will it still work at the store???? please help!!


  • As long as you can prove that there's money on it, you're good.

  • it should, if the gift card was made by a smart company, they included a pin # as well as a 1-800 # on the front or back, just take it to the store and check it out!

  • Well take it and see if it works, was it a cardboard gift card or a plastic one, if it was plastic it may still work, you will never know until you take it to the store and activate it,

    if you wanna you may email me to let me know if it worked or not, merry Christmas.

  • take it to the store see if it will help

  • most likely should

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